29 »Stop!« shouted Ola

And tripped on his heel, So that bailiff down feil, And the maidens laughed: »Lo!« »Hop!« said now Erik And kicked in the air, So beams were crashing And brick-walls did shake. »Stop!« said Elling By the collar he took him And thoroughly shook him: »You are much too weak!« »Hei!« Rasmus said, Threw his arm around Randi, »Hei, quickly now Give me the kiss you know!« »No!« Randi said, Gave a box on his ear And hurried from there: »I answered you now!«

25. The Pretty Giris. Words by J. L. Runeberg. — Music by P. Heise.

I stare at the girlies’ fair crowd, I'm scouting and scouting with care, The fairest I might possess now. Alas! if I knew where to find her. One of them has eyes so sparkling, Another has rose-coloured cheeks, The third has lips most charming, The fourth a heart warm, that beats. There is not a girlie, who misses A something that might me inthrall. I cannot refuse them my kisses; O, could I but once kiss them all!

26. Comin’ thro’ the Rye. Words by Robert Éurns. — Music by Paul Hellmuth.

Wet to the skin is now the lassie, Comin’ thrq’ the rye, Wet her haunches, wet her facie Comin’ thro’ the rye. If a laddie meet a lassie, Comin’ thro’ the rye, If a laddie kiss a lassie, need a lassie cry?

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