?5 Beyond the murky wave

The land lies, which we crave, Where vineyards grow up hiil. O were I only flying! Go there I straight were trying, And I would stay there still. Halloo, halloo, halloo! Gone has he day’s adol No, wings were not us given> to drink we aim at even, And wings has got our lust; On them we travel widely In south to linger idly, For drink we do and must. Halloo, halloo, halloo! Gone has the day’s ado!

21. Freya’s Star. Words by Chr. K. F. Molbech. — Music by J. P. E. Hartmann. One is the star of Freya, but ev'rywhere The gentie splendour goes from its bounteous sphere; One is the star of Freya, but every ear Shall still from there a single silver-word hear. There is not a hovel so low and so little, That not its bright rays should on the panes glitter; There is not a heart in world so empty and bare, It once at least must swell and by love-flame glare. But one is the selected, the long expected far, One is our always dreamt of, our wayfaring star; Each noble woman will her image sweet create, And the beloved distant friend always commemorate. 22. Fly, Birdie, fly! Words by Chr. Winther. — Music by J. P. E. Hartmann. Fly, birdie, fly! o’er Fura's waters flowing, Night is approaching so fast! Far o’er the forests the sunset is glowing, Daylight is dwindling at last. Hurry now homewards, thy mate ’s for thee yearning, Yellow-beak’d young ones wait for thee; But when to-morrow again thou’rt returning, Tell me then all thou didst see. Fly, birdie, fly! o’er Fura’s waters heaving, Spread now thy wings wide apart! If two fond lovers thou’rt yonder pereeiving, Scout then the depths Qf their heart,

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