23 But for Denmark did you sigh, For its luck your life you gave; Rest then sweetly, where you lie, Rest then still in shady grave! Fair the death is, you did die, Fairer death one cannot find, Therefore with a tearful eye We will not you call to mind; But where Denmark’s farne will call, And where Danish airs sound tender, Will with pride both great and small Fatherland’s best thanks you render.

19. Hunting-Chorus o f „Syvsoverdag** (Day of Seven Sleepers). Words by J. L. Heiberg. — Music by J. P. E Hartmann.

Night has soon retired, Shortly day will come, From our hunting tired, We’re returning home. From the castle cock-crow Sounds o’er field and lair, Soon the Gurre-swallow Twitters morning-air Still in West are twinkling Stars with languid beam, While in East is winking Early morning’s gieam. ’Gainst the silent sea-coast Waves are rolling duil, In the water-mirror Starfe gieam beautiful. Now along to castle, Homewards to our nest! Morning’s active bustie Seems to mar our rest. Dwindled has the twilight, Gone has morning-star, See the sparkling daylight For King Waldemar!

20. A Trip to the Wine-lands. Words by H. Hertz. — Music by J. P. E. Hartmann.

Our working-day is over, Each fellow free and joker Is gathered round the board. Enjoy ourselvefe hereafter With speech and mirth and laughter, While singing in accord: Halloo, halloo, halloo! Gone has the day’s ado!

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