13 7. To the East. Swedish popular ditty.

Far to the East I will wander, there lives my dear little love. Midst hiils and valleys yonder We’ll under the lime-trees rove.

8. The Moon’s Courtship. German popular ditty, arranged by J. Rietz. Stars all were twinkling from spring-night’s clear sky Roses the air did with perfume supply; Waves lay quiet and slept near the slope, Full moon behind the dark forests came up. Through the fine foliage its rays it did spread Whispering gently to wood-rose the red: »Lovers meet here, while I’m on the watch, I walk alone, look for someone to catch, What is the use of the night’s being clear, Nobody heeds my deep sigh and my tear; Dreaming I’m wand’ring, enough I have sigh’d — Dear little flower, you must be my bride!« And in the spring-night’s light glittering sheen Stole from the rose it a kiss unforeseen; Rose got so angry: »For shame I will die, You dåre to kiss me, when stars are so nigh!« Then said the moon: »O pardon me, pray! Here, little flower, the kiss I repay!«

9. Serenade. Words by Adolf Langsted. — Music by Joh. Bartholdy. Now stars are twinkling from cloud-less sky, Now slumbers each bioom in field; If you would listen, then I would try To sing the love, I so long conceal’d. Give heed, my heartie’s queen, give heed!

O could I meet you once on my way! That often seems strait and wrong, My life would change in a sunny May With purling fountains and thrushes’ song. Reply, my heartie’s echo, pray!

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