II 4. Dancing-ditty from Jutland. Good ev’ning, good ev’ning, a lot of people liere, So many are you both lassies and laddies! Ho, fiddler, play on your violin's chord!

Make haste now, along then, That we may get the waltz!

But tell me, but tell me, what did you play just now? I don’t hear the music for fussing and bustling, And dance with the lassies ’s my only desire.

Make haste now, along then, That we may get the waltz 1

0 Stephen! O Stephen! this polka I can’t dance, 1 rather sit down then and, talk to your sister, You others may dance it, as long as you like!

Make haste now, along then, That we may get the waltz!

5. Oh, Ola, Ola! Norwegian popular ditty, arr. by C. J. Hansen. Oh, Ola, Ola, my darling own! Why did you cause me such grief and moan? I never thought, you could find the heart To cheat a giri with your cunning art. Oh, for the tears, that my eyes have shed, This winter I wished that I was dead, For I have wept quite as many tears, As there are days in a thousand years. Yes, love can pain more than one can bear, May God assist those, whose grief lies there. Yes, love 's a burning flame full of dismay, It smarts much more than a giri can say.

6. „Norden" (The North). Swedish Folk-song, words by R. Dybeck.

Thou oldest, thou freest, thou mountain-high North, Thou silent, dear country full of beauty! I hail thee, thou fairest land upon earth, Thy sun, thy sky, thy meadows green and fruity. Thou keeper of treasures from grand days of yore, Thy glory was everywhere the burden; I know that thou art and willt be just what thou wert, Yes I will live and I will die in »Norden«!

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