will not be censured, for leaving the place long before the piece ended. Hence we repaired to the equestrian booth. This species of exhibition being unusual in Denmark, afforded me infinite amusement. The next object that struck us was a diminu tive French juggler, clad in a suit of crimson silk; his hair frizzed out in the full extra vagance of ancient French fashion, and an enormous bag dangled half way down his back; with many polite shrugs he requested the passengers to walk in, and see his won derful performances just about to begin. We obeyed his invitation, and took our seats. Shortly after, Monsieur made his appearance, and in a language which would have been un intelligible at Babel, uttered a famous speech. He then proceeded to his slight of hand tricks, which he performed with amazing dexterity. Among other things, he chopped off the heads of several chickens, and restored them again. I rather wondered so able an artist could not find preferment in his own country. The evening being far spent, we resolved not
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