tisfaction of having employed a small part of that abundance heaven had blessed them with, in promoting the welfare and happiness of their fellow creatures, and ultimately benefiting their country. Having thus set a subscription a-float, he was unwearied in his assiduity, till, by entreating some, and encouraging others, to venture, he realized the sum of ten thou­ sand dollars •, having set down his own name for three hundred dollars—his all. A ship was purchased for the purpose of remaining during winter in Greenland, and two others freighted ; one to be employed in the whale fishery, and the other as a packet. Frederick, at length, admiring the perseverance of Egede, whom no difficulites could appal, was graciously pleased to nominate him a mis­ sionary, with the appointment of three hun­ dred dollars per annum. In the month of May, 1721, our philan­ thropic adventurer, with his wife and four children, set sail for Greenland, where they arrived safe, after a passage of two months. The obstacles which now opposed him, would

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