Every thing tells you, and if it were not for the flag on the castle which informs you it is Denmark, you would fancy yourself in Eng­ land. This resemblance in the exteriof is ve­ rified with still greater exactness in the inte­ rior. Many of the inhabitants are Britons born, they naturally retain the manners and customs of their country, and those who are not, take peculiar delight in wishing to appear like En­ glishmen. In the summer season the liveliness and cheerfulness of this town, comparatively, far surpasses Copenhagen, but during the winter Elsineur puts on a very sombre garb, the naviga­ tion being shut up for four or live months. Yet the inhabitants are not at a loss to amuse them­ selves ; they form clubs, give balls, and con­ trive to kill time. There is no regular theatre; now and then a Swedish company of itinerant players make a halt, as do the Germans, who torture us incessently with miserable fragments of the dramatic a r t; but latterly, Mr. Schwartz, of the Theatre Royal, at Copenhagen, has ob­ tained a licence to perform plays in Zealand,

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