<{ dier should stray more than a certain dis- “ tance from the camp. One evening, a Ger- “ man, wishing to follow his Countrymen, had “ already exceeded the limited bounds, when “ he was hailed by a Norwegian sentry,” * Who goes there ?’ ct The German making “ no reply, the sentry levelled his piece, and “ shot him ; the report causing an alarm in the u camp, the circumstances soon reached the ears cC of the Prince of Bernburg, who immediately “ went to the sentinel, commended his vigi- “ lance, and offered him an handful of ducats, “ but the brave Norwegian stedfastly refused “ the reward, assuring the Prince, he did not “ shoot men for money. The Prince, however, “ persisting to urge him, he, at length, took “ one ducat, which he said he would keep to “ shew his countrymen he had received a pre- “ sent from a Prince.* * This anecdote is also related in Store og gode Hand - linger a f Danske, Norske on- Holsteenere , samlede veil On: M ai- ling. (Great and good deeds of Danes, Norwegians, and Hol­ steinians, collected by Ove Mailing,) a work, which, in plain unembellished language, records those noble traits which grace the history of our couutry, and forms an in­ valuable acquisition to th^ literature of Denmark.

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