seldom exceeds fourteen days, arid that is amply repaid by the freight of the cargo. While, as our ships must be fitted out purposely for this voyage, it usually extends to four or five months, and depends for all expences on the success of a single cargo. On entering the village of Groenholt, we observed a stork’s nest on the church, which we found engrossed the interest of the whole village. There were two birds, and the rustics carefully provide them materials to build with, and guard them from the wanton pranks of the mischievous. One of them flew over our heads with food for its companion, which was perched upon the back of the church tending her young brood. The bell now struck eight, and we had a long road before us ; but the evening being ex­ tremely fine, and my friend making the pro­ position, we determined on seeking a supper in one of the cottages. We entered beneath a neat-looking roof, and having made known our wishes to a clean, tidy-lookjng woman, she gave us a hearty wel

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