winner for the expence of the splendid enter­ tainment, which custom has made a law, on his elevation to this dignity. People, therefore, of good sense, or moderate fortune, usually decline the expensive honors attendant on suc­ cess, and fire at random when they find the bird almost ready to fall. The next object to attract our attention was the Royal stud, which is bred in this neigh­ bourhood. I can say nothing in favor of it, as the horses are neither so handsome as those of Funen, nor so strong as those of Jutland. The original stock has been so often crossed by English, Spanish, and Arabian horses, that the breed which this practice was designed to im­ prove, is very much degenerated. Their colts are puny and feeble from their b irth ; defects, which the idleness they are reared in, till at the age of four and five years, is said to increase. This I am the mere inclined to believe, as far­ mers, and others, by crossing their breed with the Royal stock, have produced colts of a very superior quality. But these people put their horses to work when two years old, which requiring additional food, gives them additi

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