tempted to extenuate the offence, and pre­ tended that it was not cognizable by the laws. “ Is there no passage in the code,” demanded Christian, “ to punish such a crime ?” The Chancellor replied in the negative; but added, that the laws of Schonen ordained, “ that if any one shall cut off both the hands “ of a slave, the offender shall pay three u marks, and make compensation to his t( master.” The peers, interrupting him, contended, that the laws of Schonen were not the laws of Jutland ; that those quoted by the Chancellor were obsolete, having been written in the days of slavery. “ What,” rejoined the king, “ shall a slave “ in Schonen be protected, and a nobleman “ in Jutland have no right? When men of “ rank shew the world they have neither vir- ** tue nor honor, by perpetrating foul offences,

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