of which he knew the good and bad qualities, and was invested with, perhaps, some ste­ rile spot, or an allotment of a common. But now an agricultural society was formed, which rewarded individual exertions in husbandry. This respectable body brought the peasants to a sense of the solid advantages they pos­ sessed in the change, and made them com­ prehend, that the welfare and comforts of every man were within his own power. The peasants were aroused from their torpidity *, activity and diligence took the lead, and aiming at success, they attained it. While indulging these reflections, cheered by the smiling fertilily of the surrounding country, we imperceptibly reached the valley, in which Roeskildc, the most ancient town of Zealand, is situated. As it has been con­ stantly on the decline, nothing particular can be said in its favor, except what its pleasant situation claims. It is built on a branch of the Jisefiord, the banks of which form a striking contrast. To the left are vast forests of oak, through which, at intervals, various spires and

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