Roeskilde Inn, eight miles distant from the metropolis.. Here we sojourned for the night, and set oif at sunrise.. Those who are acquainted with what the state of this country was twenty or thirty years ago, must exult at the change time has made for the better. To those who are not, it may not, perhaps, be uninteresting to know, how changes so beneficial could have been produced in so short a period. Formerly, when you met a peasant driving his waggon to market, the appearance of himĀ self and every thing about him, gave you an idea of forced obedience. Instead of alacrity, you saw sullenness on his brow; instead of the cheerful husbandman, whistling with the fruits of his labor, to a market, you beheld a slave toiling for a merciless master. Encouraged by no one, but oppressed by many, he dragged his unwilling steps slowly along, reluctantly yielding to the strong necessity which robbed him of his best produce, to satisfy the unfeelĀ ing claims of those, whose only merit was the accidental superiority of their b irth ; so
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