to the metropolis, where the Emperor enter­ tained them magnificently, and gave them other distinguished marks of royal bounty. It is said his Majesty expressed much surprise at seeing our midshipmen dressed with round hats and ribbons in their shoes, but Capt. SneedorfF re­ plied, that dress in a seaman was a secondary consideration, he should be always free from incumbrance, ready at the moment to mount the top-gallant mast head, or explore the bot­ tom of the hold. The Emperor made no re­ ply, but afterwards gave orders that his mid­ shipmen should dress in the same way. Copenhagen, the seat of all that is essential to the empire, has materially benefited by these improvements ; formerly the necessary precau­ tion was neglected of giving it a powerful de­ fence against any attack by sea. A battery calledProevesteen (the Touch-stone) was erected in the sea, to the southward of the city, to prevent an enemy from bombarding the dock-yards, and other important places. The plan of this battery was laid before Christian VI. and approved by him the 2d April, 1742 ;

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