Unserviceable. GUNS.
FLOATING CATTERIES. 46 St. Thomas,.................... 47 Shark, ........................... 48 Sea-horse,...................... 49 No. 1, ............................ On the Stocks. 59 A floating battery, ....... 60 Ditto, ............................. BOMB. 61 Assistance,....................... 62 Dragon, Zebeck,............
24 24 24 24
24 18
20 178
Thus on the 1st of July, 1800, ships fit for service carried 1736 guns, and those unfit 882. On the 1st of July 1802, the ships fit for serĀ vice carried 2146 guns, and those unfit 178. Consequently Denmark, within the short space of two years, increased its actual naval force 410 guns ; while the number of guns, on ships incapable of actual service amounted to no more than 178.
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