of 36 guns, (the ship I have mentioned in my tour) was the first vessel Hohlenberg built.— j he able manner, in which she sailed, added to the excellent effect, withwhich she encountered the Tripolitans, naturally raised the expecta­ tions of Mr. Kohlenberg's talents to the highest pitch. But what sublunary thing is not liable to change, and what more so than public com­ mendation ? Mr. Hohlenberg next construct­ ed the White Eagle, a sloop of war of 28 guns. This vessel went to the Mediterranean in 1798. Unfortunately she had no opportu­ nity to distinguish herself, but by combating the elements, which her gallant crew firmly braved in the bay of Naples.* But what is a victory without bloodshed ? Some time after the sloop met with a fatal disaster, the nature of which is not known ; all hands must have perished, as no account of them has ever been received from any quarter. Mr Kohlenberg’s Naiad was nowquite forgotten, the White Eagle,

I am not certain, whether it was not off Leghorn.

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