one of which is 380 feet high, majestically rear their heads above the lofty buildings sprung up from the ashes of that part of the city, which was destroyed in 1795; and are calculated to impress the traveller with ideas of its present magnificence, equal to those of former times, when the gorgeous palace of Christiansborg, and the ancient church of St. Nicholas enriched the scene. But there is this essential difference, formerly the attraction lay in its exterior, now it is transferred to the inĀ­ terior ; and although the massy piles of ruins may seem to derogate from its importance, the deficiency is amply supplied by its internal beauties. The perspective is enlivened by innumerable vessels passing to and from the Baltic, which lose themselves behind Copenhagen, re-appear, and glide down the Sound, between the shores of Zealand and those of Sweden; which, togeĀ­ ther with the Isle of Hveen, are also visible from this hill. The palace is not large, but it is handsome; and its delightful situation, and vicinity to the

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