I do not hesitate to affirm, that this single line produced a more congenial effect on both na­ tions, than if we, with the assistance of our brave and worthy neighbours, had obtained a victory. A French poem was also written by Mr. Malthe Conrad Bruun, a young Dane, who ceivednone. In the mean time, the Swedes were reinforced with 8 ships. Upon this, Juul wrote, pressingly,to the King, intreating his Majesty to give him orders. At length the Admiral’s brother, Baron Jens Juul, was dispatched to him with instructions. The Baron on his arrival in the bay, went on board every ship, encouraging the men to be sted- fast to their duty, and do honour to their King and country. Meanwhile the Swedish fleet was getting under weigh, to attack the Danes. It soon after bore down, and the action was commencing, as Jens Juul came along side of his brother’s ship. When he had reached the quarter-deck, he uttered these remarkable words, “ N ew , Niels, Jight and conquer / ” The battle raged—six of the enemy’s ships had surrounded the Danish Admiral; but Juul was firm, cool, and intrepid. At length his ship, Christian 5th, was dismasted, and otherwise so shattered that Niels was obliged to shift his flag on board the Frederick 3d, which taking fire shortly after, he was compelled to move on board a third, and then c o n q u e r e d . The following day, he arrived in the roads of Copenhagen with eleven prizes. D

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