could render any assistance, from the remote situation of our line of defence, beyond which the British fleet lay. Another stong proof may be adduced, the shot from the British fleet passed over our block ships, without mat terial injury to the batteries, and only one ship, the Danmark, had a few men wounded by a gun, which a ball from the English shivered. Between nine and ten, both divisions of the British weighed, and our Commodore hoisted his flag of defiance from the Danbrog. Ad­ miral Parker, with the zeal characteristic of a British seaman, beat up against wind and cur­ rent, towards the battery of the Three Crowns, proposing to awe our ships in the inner roads, while the Hero of the Nile bore right down on our line. The Edgar led the British van, advancing in a most gallant style against the Proevesteen, which opened her fire on the former, five mi­ nutes after ten. The Vagrien then poured in a broadside, just as the Edgar was upon the tack to take her station ; a second broadside was discharged from the Proevesteen, when

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