Barclenfleth, first lieutenant on board the Char lotte Amelia, in his professional account of the battle, will not be deemed superfluous. He says, “ The spirit which animated all “ hands on board, and not their real strength, “ enabled them to perform what they did.” The morning of April 2 dawned—and the wind blowing southerly, our Commodore made a signal for the whole line to lay their broadside to the enemy. The following were the Ships of which our Line consisted: 1 . Proevesteen, Capt. Lassen, 58, cut down ship of the line, without masts. 2 . Vagrien, Capt. Riisbrigh, 50, cut down ship of the line, without masts. 3. Rendsborg, Capt. Egede, 20 Frame, with masts. 4. Nyeborg, Capt. Rothe, 20 Frame, with masts. 5. Iylland, Capt. Branth, 50, cut down ship of the line, without masts. 6. Aggershuus, Lieut. Fasting, 20 Prame, with masts.
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