PAG?. Ramillies, British 74 ............................................ 19 Reception of our wounded, .......................... 2 2 , 23 Return, an opera...................................................... 38 Riegelsen, Sea Captain ................................... 8 Rodney, Admiral ......... ' ............................ 12 Rotlie, Sea C a p ta in ..................... 0, lO, 1 7 , 24 Riisbrigh, ditto ....................................... 0, O’, 12 Rose, an old disbanded Soldier.............................. 2 y Russell, British 74 , ................................................. 11 S. Sander, Professor, . . . .......................................... 42 Sceptre, British man o f w ar.............................. 13 Schmidt, Rev. Mr. F.............................................. 30’ Schroedersee, Sea Captain................................... 14 Sneedorff, ditto .............................. O’O O’l Sommerfeldt, Sea L ieu tenan t.......................... 7 Spectator, the D anish,.......................... 24, 30', 38 Statement of the Danish navy on the 1 st of July, 1800,..................................................... 5 1 , 5 2 , 53 Ditto on the 1st of July, 1 8 0 2 ,.....................55 57 Stibolt, Commodore............................................ 4Q Swan, a Danish schooner................................... 4() Sweden King o f .................................................3, 22
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