of which rises a beautiful pyramid. On one square of the base it is written, “ For Christian “ den syvende dc Datishes og Norshcs Kongo o f <( eetiige og taknemmelige B o r g e r e And on the other, “ Grundstccncn - llev lagt a f Frederik “ Kongcns Son, Folkets Fen. 1792.-]-” The body of the pyramid contains two inscriptions, purpor­ ting, that the king considered liberty, rationally exercised, as an incentive to virtue,—a pro­ moter of happiness, and a stimulus to loyalty and patriotism. Such a monument cannot but gratify the feelings of every beholder. The affluent, who commiserated the former sufferings of the rustics, rejoice at the triumph of humanity; while the peasantry contemplate it with enthu­ siasm, as descriptive of their rescue from sla­ very, and their elevation to that rank in so­ ciety, which is the prerogative of human beings. Even the stranger is interested; on* * “ To Christian the Seventh, King of the Danes and “ Norwegians, from united and grateful citizens.” f “ The foundation stone was laid by Frederick, son of “ the king, the friend of the people. 17.02.”

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