Berhstorff, the first C ount.............................. 80, 81 Bernburg, Prince o f ............................................ 31 Broenshoey, a village, the ceremony of church ing a peasant’s w i f e ........................................ 94 C. Carolina, Princess, daughter of the Prince Royal 8 Christian 4th, K in g ............ 10 , 15, 16 , 17 , 18, 21 Christian 6 t h .......................... ...................50, 55, 6 l Christiansborg Palace................................... 6 , 18, 54 Classen, General .................................................. 19 Coninck, D e Mr. Counsellor of S ta te............ 6'4 Copenhagen, the fire of in 1795 ..................... 85 Cronborg Castle ........................................34, 35, 44 D . Danneskiold Count ........................................... 54, 55 Dodd, Rev. Dr......................................................... 110 Dronninggaard............................................ 6 l, 62, 63 Dutchman, an unfortunate................................... 66 Dyvoice, the Tragedy of, by S am so e................. 98 E. Ebbesen, Niels, aTragedy, byMr. Sander ........................................ 104, 105, 106, 107, 103 Egede, Hans, Rev........ 55, 56, 57 , 58, 59 60 , 6'1
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