ffient, whom he killed. The guards, roused by the noise, but confused, and dismayed, at the unexpected death of their lord, made no attempt to arrest Ebbesen. When the general panic had a little subsided, the German troops pursued Ebbesen and his Danes, but were im­ peded in their progress by the men of Ebbesen having removed the bridge. Ebbesen then hastily assembled a little army, and engaged the Germans. This bat­ tle proved ultimately the delivery of Denmark, but Niels Ebbesen lost his life in the contest, exclaiming, in his last moments,—“ Denmark “ for ever !” Close by the wall is the grave of Andreas Christian Hviid. Alas , poor Torick!- -------- A fellow of infinite jest , of most excellent fancy! Mr. Hviid was our Sterne. On his travels during the years 1778, and 79, in Germany and Italy, of which he pub­ lished a journal, he followed the maxim of his predecessor. “ I pity the man who can

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