11 manes of Riber, with a melancholy pleasure : “ it is an offering due to the warmth with “ which he constantly encouraged me, par- ‘c ticularly by his advice and guidance, founded “ on his eminent knowledge of the language.” The plot, which commemorates one of the most glorious epochs in the history of Den mark, is as follows: In the fourteenth century, Gerhard, Count of Holstein, lent 4<0,000 marks as a mortgage on the province of Jutland. This was done with a view of ultimately making himself master of the territory *, and, the better to ensure his purpose, he sowed dissention among the people, in order to wean their affections from Christopher, their lawful Sovereign; and with such success, that Christopher was com pelled to flee to Germany, where he ended his days. He left two sons, one of whom, Waldemar, effected his escape to Germany, where he solicited assistance from the Emperor Lewis, to regain his usurped crown. His bro ther, Otto, was taken prisoner by Gerhard. In the mean time, the Count caused himself
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