talents, have excited the general admiration, and shed lustre on the land of their birth. Beneath a lofty lime tree stands a small stone, on which is engraven this short inscrip­ tion : “ O. I. S A M S O E, “ H e wrote D yveke * a n d died .” Here feelings of private attachment, and sincere sorrow croud painfully on my recol­ lection. But they are merely the congenial sentiments of a nation which deplored the loss of Samsoe as her proudest boast; I shall, therefore, rather communicate what others, his more intimate friends, have said to his honor. Mr. Falsen wrote the following EP ITAPH : * A Tragedy in five acts; the plot is taken from the history of Christian the Second. Dyveke was the mistress of that king, who became so enraged at her being poisoned through court intrigue, that he caused the innocent Torben Oxe (then Lord of the palace) to be beheaded,—an act, which made him the detestation of all classes, and ulti­ mately led to his being dethroned and put in prison, where he ended his days.

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