undertaking was caught, and the spirit with which it has been carried into execution, de serve, at least, and will, I trust, obtain an ade quate reward. We reached Broenshoey,—and as we en tered the church my rustic friend observing a number of women in the porch, told me, we should see the ceremony of churching a pea sant’s wife. The clerk having read the Lord’s Prayer, at the choir door,* psalms were sung ; then the clergyman, the Rev. Mr. Vestengaard, having read the collect, epistle, and gospel, at the altar, walked down to the door of the porch, where he addressed a short discourse to the woman who now entered the church at tended by her friends; and the clergyman as cended the pulpit. When the sermon con cluded, he returned to the altar, whither the woman and her friends attended to present
* The choir in Denmark is separated from the body of the church by a railing, which is entered by an ascent of steps.
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