senior surgeons, the latter in charge of two senior physicians. The number of beds can be increased to 1,600 without it being necessary to enlarge either boiler* house, engine*room, kitchen, laundry or any of the other accessory buildings. The aggregate area of the hospital is about 21 hectares. The average floor and air space per bed amount respectively to 9.15 sq. metres and 39.08 cub. metres. The hospital is built on the pavilion system, but in such a manner that all the pavilions are connected by means of a network of subterranean passages in* tended for conveyance of patients and goods. The »central laundry«, situated in the laundry of the hospital, does the washing for all the municipal hospitals (excluding Boserup Sanatorium and St. Hans Hospital at Roskilde); here, about 23,000 articles are washed daily. The hospital includes a Rdntgen department, bathing and massage establishment and an out*patient department for surgical cases. 9. CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL AT FUGLE* BAKKEN. The buildings of the hospital, which were erected by means of private funds — »Fonden til Oprettelse af et homoopatisk Hospital« (The Fund for the Esta* blisment of a Homoeopathic Hospital) — was rented by the municipality in 1916, and in 1921 was purch* ased by same.
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