;.r ; K a ®. 'The inclosures alluded to m the above swre the same a* are annexed to Admiral Gam- bite's Letter of the sd Semtember.
‘ r • ;' ’ Copies of ]tfotes which passed between LieUle- ndftt-General Lord Cathcart and General Pey- itoann alluded to iri the Dispatches of Admiral Gambier, and Lord Cathcart. 7 1 Copenhagen, September 5, 1807. M y Loan! » For preventing further the effusion of blood find not exposing the city to the sad consequen t s of a longer bombardment, I propose an Ar mistice of twenty-four hotfrs, ift etder to come to ari agreement that may lend to the (Settling of the'Preliminary",Articles of a Capitulation.' " It is with the highest persoWat eatosidetation -f have the honour to be, fta. •" (Signed). P e p m a n . ' ’ Commander in Chief of hjV Danish • Majesty’s Land Forces.. The Commanders in Chief of the Brittish - . Sea and Land Forces. , • A ' M e r h b r a t ld ti m. >
Head-qflartafs,’ before Gopetsh. Sept 5* 1807,
t S ir ! The same have recourse *
necessity tthich has- obliged us to to arms in the present occasion, • I W ^
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