Quarter.r Master r General of the Army., • Thes$ Officers are waiting at the Barrier, and.will meef the Officers named,.by. you, at any place you p a y appoint, for immediate discussion, between, our advanced po$.ts and your lines. , .. Orders were given to desist from the bom bardment, and ‘to cease firing, the moment your' first letter was received; but there lias been no armistice concluded; a proof of which is, that a hoi^se im the subui'bs has been set on fire wit hin these few minutes, by your people, close to our centinels. ' 7 As we have already stated more than once, we can admit of no delay in this business, ana therefore it will immediately appear, whether the articles proposed are of such a nature as to warrant ah' armistice. 1 have the honour to be die . iJ:” " * v*‘ ; ' i. (Signed)!. Ca tk .c a r t . r His Excellency Major-General Peymann; Com- . mander in Chief of his Danish. Majesty’s , r Land Forces', Copenhagen. , 1 . • . •]*' ■ . . ' ‘ ■ His Majesty owes to himself and'to Europe a frank Exposition of the motives which have dictated his late measures in the Baltic. . His Majesty has delayed' this Exposition, only in the hope of that more amicable arran gement with the court of Denmark, which it ’ i ’ ' D ’ e c l « r a t i o n. ;
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