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i >* *Head-qhartfers, before Copenlv Sept. 6, 1807. ... • • - S ir ! ‘ * *■ [ Having communicated to Admiral Gariibier ‘ your Letter .received this morning,'together with thos^-qf .last night, I ‘have, to acquaint you, that we w i l l consent .to treat with you for.,-the capir tulation of Copenhagen, on th e ;basis of your, de­ livering up the Danish fleet. , ^But as .you have not forwarded articles of capitulation, Officers of rank, ip the sea and Land service of his Britannic Majesty , shajl be tent ,forthwith, to prepare articles with you, or wi^th the Officers you may appoint, and which *nay, if possible^, unite the objedts you have in view, in regard to the occupation of Copenha­ gen,.with, ^he performance of the service entrus- tes to US. ’ u u. (Signed). V C a t c a r f , .Lieut. Gen. |Jis Excellency Major-Gen. Peymann, Com- - s;tnander/in Chief of. his Danish Majesty’s Dand0Forces,r Copenhagen. M y L ord ! ' I a'ccept of your proposal'with resjpedt to the delivering .up his Majesty’s fleet, aa>the fun­ damental basis of hegociatibns; but with this, proviso, that no other English troops enter the city than those Commissaries/Officers,' and jfii- x - - • -* Copenhagen, September 6, 1807.

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