necessary into them respectively, and send them to me at this anchorage. Given on board the Prince of Wales, off Copenhagen, Aug. 23. 1807, (Signed). J, Gamb l e r , T 0 Commodore R. G. Keats, &c. See, &c. Superb. Ry Command of the Admiral, (Signed), Jo s , T h r a u n s e l h ,tl I have the honour, in reply to your letter of the a6th instant, to transmit to you a copy Of the summons which was yesterday sent in to the Governor of Copenhagen, and of the Govern jior’s answer; by which your Lordship will be informed of the terms which in pursuance of your former instructions, Lord Cathcart and my- self conceived it our duty to propose previously to the opening of the batteries against the city. Not conceiving it expedient to suspend our ope*, rations so long ,as to allow the Governor to com municate with his Danish Majesty, we have ap prized General Peyman of our determination, in a letter, of -which I have the honour also to transmit your Lordship a copy. I have the honour to be, See. J. Ga mbier, The Plight Honourable Viscount Castlereagh. Prinee of Wales, off Copenh. Sept. 2, 1807* Mr L ord ,
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