this general suc’cefs , tlie which had been intended and Be^uh by u£ Were abandoned, and a heW liiie was taken, Within aBont eight Hundred yards of' tfrtf place, arid hearerto it'em the flanks. 'l 25th; The1dioTtar-bdttefieV in the ^ance'd’liHt made considerable prbfcrelsl’ ?£ heavy fire Was kept up by the garrison oh* the suburbs and bnildln'gs’ near ‘the lakb,' Which Were strengthened as ’much as cir- cdnistahtes Would allow! I'he navy and aHiilefy employed in landing ordnance and sFoiies,'1arid' forwarding them to different df ihe line. ' ^ - Eiedt^^arit-gehefal' the Earl of &osslynY corps, which had a fconsidierabie share in oc cupying the suburbs, relieved the reserve, Wliich mbyed into a second line. "• The 'eHefhy’S gup-boats made their a{>- ^eararitfe lil the-Channel between Oniache and Zealand , ahd t^tibhadqd the guards id iheWibuVb.1
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