aftcl: ^rfhifeS ,* and- -who-’• sufFet- inheritable mfear^''- eluting a shOtt but seVer^ BombSrfii' merit. Is Is calculated that 506 Danes have 'beeri either killed df wbririded brf thdbcba- sidti y and'that brie-third of the City1 has eithet been'burried’ or otherwise destroyed. Out vfery Commanders (td theft gjfeat credit) sbem lb have comriiiserated •With the sufferers,- and to have rejoiced in that s^eedy capitU-* 12tlbrt,:Which not drily gave theiii the object USt 'Whfth they coil tended ’ b'ttt offered k sri^jjenSidri :t6 hHcfie ’ destihbtive' assaultsat VMch tHeir own hearts evidently ihlidd^red* > ' The Kdrrbf^ Which; hkve attended 'this’ • {. • ^ -* ■»N ^ : j ^ j .• t . ' f t . attsfci on Cdpenhageri ^'cari be but faititly conceived; Death arid desttuctloh’must have visited indisfcririiitfately1the 'rich and thb!poot; the young and the aged ; the sick arid tHfe robust., These Darie^ have.beeri our uninterrupted friends tor centuries, although’ We hatre no\V ’brought oh them this uri Spies li­ able calamity. Eet its forget thb cbld' cal­ culations b f the Statbsinan* arid feeliHg for o'rirf) arris h Friends arid Fellow Christian^

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