.Kv*-- to pursue jthe enemy in ■the right flahk, and watch his movements in his retreat, protecting at the s&me time the flanks of my cavalry that had advanced towards the height* of Soeder, lo- fiqg sigfit of5the enemy. .The( cavaliy ,of rmy divisioij received orders, with the p*>th rifle corps, to 'fa ir back to us to taice apposition, with their advanced* posts-from . Littenge Gaard1by Ashay, ^wa^hejrg, $%cra$$, .and Viakiold,: to qoyerJthe head-quarters at Kioge. , , The 6th battalion, part of the 43d foot, st- ape'hoiW'artilfery, and ;a fe\V cavalry, followed jme to Gierilan, jm d , with i some detachments, p^sued, the .retreating, .enep^y .toward* jh a plain* of Ringstedt. ' ' ' The' c'onduAt o f Both''officers' and men dn this occasion' claim* 5 thfi warhie&t thanks; and'I beg leave to bringh to your < notice jQolonel, Hqhn- s t e d t w h o .commanded the infantry, and Colo nel Alteh, who led the cavalry, and Lieutenant Wade, at the head of the rifle corps and light infantry, wo all -three by their .zeal and attention greatly assisted me. „ . , ; i •/. , . j I have the honour to be, &c, ' (Signed) L i n s e n g e n , Maj. Geh. Major General the Right Honourable Sir 1 * Arthur Wellesley K. B. . H { : * , ■
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