• i motive , or for any object of advantage or ag grandizement, the necessity which has produced them. . i .Westminster, Sept. 25, 1807. 45 Head-Quarters, before Copenh. Sept.* 3,1807, M y L ord , " ' : <"• ; • r . • I have the honour to inclose an extract of St letter, dated Brasenborg, September,2 , 1807, which has been received from Major-General Sir Arthur-Wellesley, containing a report of Majof*- General Linsengen’s proceedings on the 29th ul timo, and containing an account of the present; state off operations in that quarter. , ^ Sir Arthur has established his head-quarters ' between Ringstedt, Roeskild, and Kioge, from whence he has sent strongs patroles and recon noitring parties in different direAions. General Linsengen is at Ringstedt; and they are not . without hopes of finding General Castenschiold juid the cavalry, and ©f reducing any assembly of Militia or other troops that .may remain. . A return of1 the ordnance, and stores tak?eh and destroyed,, or embat'ked in his Majesty’s ships at.Kidge, the amount of which is very considerable, will be transmitted as soon as it can be madfc up. , , I l ave the honour to be, & c.' . . (Signed) . C a t h c a r t , The Lord Viscoimt Castltreagh, &e.
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