Quarter*: Master-General of the Army. These Officers are waiting at the Barrier, and will meet the Officers named by you, at any place you jnay appoint, for immediate discussion, between our advanced posts and your linesi. Orders were given to desist from the bom bardment, and to cease firing, the moment your first letter was received; but there has been no armistice concluded; a proof of which is, that a bouse in the suburbs has been set on firfe wit- bin these few minutes, by your people, close to our qentinels. As we have already "Stated more than once,' we can admit of no delay in this business^* and therefore it wilF immediately appear, whether the articles proposed are of such a nature as to warrant an armistice. I have the honour to be €tc. (Signed). Ca the art* His Excellency Major-General Peymann* Com mander in Chief of his Danish Majesty’s Land Forces, Copenhagen. D e c l a r a t i o n . His Majesty owes to himself and to Europe a frank Exposition* of the motives which have dictated his late measures in the Baltic. His Majesty has delayed this Exposition, only in the hope* of that more amicable arran gement with the court of Denmark, which it
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