S ir , 1 cannot omit requesting your Excellency ns Veil in my own name as in the name of the Admiral who commands his Majesty’s Fleet, to take into your most Serious consideration the present situation of the city of Copenhagen, which ia brought into a most dreadful crisis. If this city, the capital of Denmark, the residence of the King, and that of all the royal family and of the Government, the seat of the sciences and commerce, and full of inhabitants of all ranks* of every age and sex if this city should .deter mine to abide the horrors of a siege, then the same \shall be annoyed by every possible means o f devastation » As soon as ever the orders shall be issued for this purpose, the Officers, who are entrusted with them will no longer have any choice left them, of exerting every means in their power to make themselves masters of that placet An assault made upon a place so full of men and treasure, mustj in the issue, involve the inhabitants in ruin and theylorss of their pro- ttead-quirters, before Cogent. Aug. i8 , i8of*
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