.Guv iojs consists of 42 killed, 138. wounded, -and 22 inis^ing. Amongst the killed are four Offi cers, and six are wounded. ' • : The Danish Navy which has been placed at the disposal of his Majesty, consists of 18 sail of the line, 15 frigates, six sloops, and 25 gun-boats. Head-Quarters, before Copenh. Sept. 2, 1307. ' ' r’ ‘ M r L or O,". I have the honour to transmit herewith the report of the expedition undertaken by Brigadier- General, Von dp,r Decken 5 in the course of which he made a great number of troops capitulate, and also took ^possession of the foundery and powder mills at Friedrickswerk. Amongst the inclosures is the qapitulatioh, which has beep ratified ; and the (Commanding General in Copen hagen has adtiiafly permitted the artillerymen included in the capitulation, but who were serv ing in the place, to come out of the town as prisoners on capitulation. , The talents, zeal, and activity of the Briga dier-General have rendered him extremely useful on evvery occasion whichbas occured to employ him. I have" the honour to be, 8 cc: (Signed). , Ca thg tf.rU The Lord Viscount .Castlerea^h, <8^. Scc.^c. h ' :f ! r Jngetbdrg,' August- iij;' i8o'7.‘ ‘ ■ My Lofcfc, >-'• - After -1 'had'Sth¥ ho'notff te s ta te Ho your Lordship 1yesterday the* captofe1 d f ’siic waggons
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