' penhagen Road,' 7th September} 1807, of which the following is a copy. . ■ S ir , : - r : v The communications which; I have already had the honour1 to transmit to you, jwill Hay© , made the Lords Commissioners of the-Adihiralty acquainted with the proceedings of the Fleet tin der imy command down to the. ad instant; have now to add, that the mortar batteiiC* which had been ere&ed by the, army in ,;the several positions they had taken rpnnd Copenhagen, to^ gether with the bomb vessels, which- were, plan ced in convenient situations, began the bombard ment in the morning of that, day, with such po^, wer and effect, that In a short-time, the town was set on fire, and by the repeated discharges of our artillery, was kept in flaimes in different places till the evening of -the' 5th, when a con siderable part of it being cdnsiimed; and the con flagration- having arrived at a great, height, threa tening th e ‘speedy destruction of the whole city, the General commanding the garrison sent out -a flag of truce desiring an Armistice, to afford time to treat fo r-a Capitulation. ’ After some correspondence had passed between the Danish General and Lord Cathcart -and myself,,, certain Articles were agreed upon, of which I have the honour to transmit you a Copy.' From these their Lotdships. will perceive,- that all the Da nish ships and vessels -of-.war, (of which I inclose e list), with the store* in, arsenal,' were, to
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