II London under proper ’convoy,, to be dealt with according to his Majesty’s pleasure. I have the honour to be, &c. - J. Gamb i e r . The Right Honourable Lord Viscouni; Castlereagh. By Janies Gambler, Esq, Admiral of the Blue, and Commander in. Chief of a Fleet of His Majesty’s Ships and Vessels, employed on a particular Service, Hostilities having this day commenced be tween His Majesty’s arms and those of Denmark by the Danish gun boats having captured and destroyed a British merchant ship passing Copen hagen, the Flag Officers, Captains, and Comman ders of his Majesty’s ships and vessels under my command, are hereby- authorized and required to use their utmost endeavours to/ take possession of and detain any ships or vessels of war belon ging to the King of Denmark, or any merchant vessels whathsoever, with their cargoes, belonging to subjects of bis Danish Majesty, observing to '/ send all such ships and vessels to me, to be dealt with as circumstances all require. Given under my hand on board the Prince of Wales, off Copenhagen, August 17. 1807. (Signed). J. Gamb i e r% By Command of the Admiral * (Signed). - / o s . T r o u n s e l t „
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