M oonshine on I.angelinie. In the foreground »the little mermaid* (H. C. Andersen).
Sound. Its line cafe and re stau ran t is open throughout the year. The pavilion is b uilt by the city (architect Fr. Kock) and the royal Danish Yacht Club has its stylish rooms in the building. The club, whose object is to further the sai ling sport, has its station in the nearby Yacht harbour. W alking further along the shore we reach the yacht har bour. On the way we notice on a big stone in the water a bronce-statue, »De« lille llavfrue«, (the little mer maid), from H. C. Andersen fairy-tales; the most beauti ful work of the Swedish sculptor B orjeson: the sta tue of vSvommerena (the svimmer) and K aj Nielsens
monumental stone to Mylius Ericlisen and his men (artic explorers). (For monuments see Chapter 9). From this middle p a rt of Langelinie the new promena de towards the North is com bined with the eastern pier of the Freeport and is laid out on top of the store-house casemates, which cover 40,000 sq. metres. This pier forms the boundary between the Freeport and the outer-road. This more than 800 metres long promenade ends with a stoneset mole, a t the head of which is a light-house. By the mole is a small cafd. On the whole trip one has to the rig h t the most wonder ful view of the Sound. In clear weather the Swedish
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