The Geiion fou n tain at the entrance to Langellnie.
the roads and with a wide view across the blue Sound, Langelinie runs in a curve from South to North with the old venerable trees of the Ci tadel on one side and the pulsating life of the harbour on the other. The promenade itself is very old, bu t its pre sent shape is due to the esta blishment of the Freeport (see page 27)'. I t is laid out by Professor Dahlerup (viaducts and walls) and the inspector of public garden H. A. Flindt, who succeeded in making a landscape of the greatest beauty. The southern p a rt of L an gelinie begins at the E spla nade and ends at the via duct by the Gefiou Fountain, the middle p a rt runs from here past the yacht-harbour
bans Church (the English Church of Copenhagen) and stand in front of the monu mental fountain by the sculp tor Anders Bundgaard »Ge- fion ploughing out Sealand« (of Sweden) of a line and great effect, when the water ruches from the furrows, down into the big basin in front. To the rig h t a high, decorative iron gate leads to the custom house (se lioute 4). We then pass the Gefion Fountain and are standing on a viaduct at the entrance to the most beau tiful promenade of Copenha gen, the deservedly far-famed Langelinie. Langelinie. W ith an exceptional beauty of scenery, si tuated by the harbour and
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