Part of Osterbrogade.

Map 4.

Art-Gallery of the consul ge­ neral Johan Hansen (see Chapter 7). In the small planted squa­ re between K ristianiagade and Kastelsvej are situated The Royal Institutes for the deaf and dumb and the blind. After this little detour we return to 0sterbrogade, which having passed K ristianiagade forms a very beautiful old avenue of high trees. To the rig h t is the Gami- sons Kirkegaard (see cemete­ ry of the soldiers Chapter !)). On the corner of Osterfari- magsgade is the entrance to the Ilolmens Kirkegaard (the cemetery of the navy, Chap­ ter 9). We are now passing the most beautiful p a rt of 0st,er-

Ostbanegade, going along the railway. This quarter, the socalled Kristiania-quarter, is considered one of the most fashionable quarters of the ci­ ty. 0stbanegade crosses tbe Gcfions Square opposite the big viaduct, leading to Lan- gelinie (see Koute 3), From tbe Gefiqn-Square runs North Strandboulevar- den, a t the end of which has been p u t up the monument to the famous ear-specialist, Dr. II. IF. Meyer, and where the Finscn Light-Institute is si­ tuated (see Chapter 7). To the left of the square are Kristianiagade and Ka­ stelsvej. In K ristiansgade is situ a­ ted the Ilagemanns Kollegium for poor polytechnic students and in Kastelsvej No 10 is the

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