the old Frederiks Hospital with two fine front-buildings, connected by an iron fence, supported by pillars of sand­ stone, surmounted by Rococo- vases and witli a double gate to the yard. The frontbuildings are let out for private use. The re­ mainder of the big complex, reaching from Bredgade to Amaliegade, lias been donated to the Danish Art-Industry - Museum (see chapter 7). Bredgade ends a t Toldbod- gade, on the side of which are two planted promenades, the Gronnin gen and t he Esplanade. We continue our way through Gronningen later retu rn in g to this startin g point to reach by route 3 through the Esplanade to Langelinie.

and to the left the Frederiks Church, also called Marmor- kirkcn (the Marble-Church) (see chapter 9). A little farther down Bred- gade 3 gilt onion-shaped cu­ polas will a ttra c t attention. They belong to the Russian Alexander Newslcy Church, b uilt into the row of the hou­ ses (see chapter 9). F u rth er on the same side, facing Frederiksgade, lies the former temporary Parlia- ments-Building, now used by the Superior court. Opposite this building, to the right in Bredgade, is the beautiful building of the Surgeons Hall (see chapter 7) and next to this the first Roman-catholic church in Den­ mark y>St. Ansgar Church « (see chapter 9). Close to this lies

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