Map 2. Amagertorv (square) with St. Nlcolaj chuich in the background. Vimmelskaftet ends about liero a t Amagertorv (square). Amagertorv (square). To the left on the corner of Kloster- strreile is » Danish Rejsebu- reati« (Danish tourists agen­ cy) (see Chapter 5), after which the Ilellic/aands Kir- lcen (the church of the Holy Ghost) is situated. In the corner towards Walkendorfs- gade, b uilt together with the church is the Helligaands- Iluset, an old church-building, now used for meetings and public library. In the planta­ tion one notices the bronce- group of »The Death and the M others (sculptor Hansen Ja­ cobsen). Opposite the church on the other side of Amagertorv is a fine old building (built by Ilarsdorff), formerly the dwel­ ling for old maids, named Del Pelersenskc Jomfrulcloster. It is now elegantly restored by the architect 11cliceg-Mailer with an arcade, Klostergan- gen. The building belongs to Kaben barns Handelsba nk, whose branch office occupies the first floor, while the other stories are occupied by other offices. A few steps from here in No. 23 is the Ottos confectio­ nery, much frequented by the ladies. Amagertorv widens towards Ostergade and Hojbroplads with the 8 lorIcespringvundet. (the fountain of the storks) in the foreground and the St. Nicolaj church with its beau­ tiful spire, ornamented with gilt globes, in the background (see Chapter fi). :

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