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The use of automobiles in Denmark as in the other parts of the world has been increasing considerably du­ ring tlie last years. There are now some 65,000 motor-vehic­ les in the country. Thus more than 400 regular au to­ mobile lines for passengers Automobile Cabs. There are about 500 automobile-cabs in Copenhagen, all with taxa- meters, indicating the diffe­ ren t fees. A. Large Cabs (1-5 persons). Rale 1: For 1 —3 persons inside Copenhagen and Fre- deriksberg 100 Ore for the first 1000 metres and then 10 Ore for every 250 metres. (For more than 3 persons is charged according to rate 2 ). Rate 2: For 1—3 persons outside Copenhagen and Frederiksberg, but inside Amager and Gentofte 100 Ore for the first 800 metres and then 10 Ore for every 200 metres (For more than 3 per­ sons according to rate 3). Rate 3: For 1 —3 persons outside Copenhagen and F re­ deriksberg 100 Ore for the first 500 metres and 10 Ore for every 125 metres. For further information see the Rate-book. Children under 14 years of age in company with adults do not pay.

have been established between different towns. In the South-Port of Co­ penhagen a number of Ame­ rican automobile-manufactu­ rers have established great branch-factories, from where North- and Central-Europe are supplied. * B. Smaller Cabs, (2 persons). Rate 1: 100 Ore for the first 900 metres and then 10 Ore for every 300 Metres. Rate 2 : 80 Ore for the first 600 metres and then 10 Ore for every 200 metres. Rate 3 : 80 Ore for the first 450 metres and then 10 Ore for every 150 metres. Waiting-time is paid with 10 Ore for every 2 y, minute. Rate-book. In every cab m ust be kept a rate-book, containing a map w ith all the lim its for the rates and all further imformations. The Taxametre m ust not be put into activity before the s ta rt of the drive, if the cab is called to a place inside Copenhagen and Frederiks­ berg, and the change to a hig­ her or lower rate m ust only be done at the municipal boun­ daries. Luggage inside the carriage is fre e; trunks, boxes etc. on the outside, 15 Ore a piece.

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