S team sh ip=L ines. Copenhagen is the headquarter of a considerable number of steamship-companies, using their tonnage for botli passen­ gers and goods. The largest of these companies is The United Steamship Company, wooking lines both in the Danish waters and abroad, having a lleet of more than 100 steam- and motorships. The company is more than 50 years old and originally was for­ med by aii amalgamation of the ship-owner firm of Koch & Henderson and Anglo-Danish S. S. Co. Below we p rin t a list of the most im portant of the com- panys passenger-lines. * * * The Landing places are marked as follow s: Frihavnen (Freeport) (F.), Toldboden (custom house) (T .\ Larsens l’lads (L.), Kvsesthusbroen (K.), Ilavnegade (H.), Islands Plads ( I ). Only lines of special interest to tourists are m entioned here.

Vejle—Copenhagen (Iv.) 2 times a week. Holding — Middelfart — Fre- dcricia—Copenhagen (K.) 2 times a week. Oslo — Frederikshavn — Co­ penhagen (L. or K.) 1 to 2 times a week. Oslo — Copenhagen (L) 2 times a week during the summer-season. Drontlieim — Bergen — Co- penhagen (L.) about every fortnight. Gothenburg — Copenhagen (T.) 1 time a week. Iceland—Faroe Islands — Co­ penhagen ( 1 ). See advertise­ ments. Copenhagen—Siege (K.) 2 to 8 times a week during the summer-season. Copcnhagen—London with steamer Esbjerg — Harwich

Dct forenede Dampskibsscl- skab (D. F. D. S.) (The U ni­ ted Steamship Company). Ticket Office Kongens Nytorv 8 (Telephone 7283), branch-of­ fice Industribygningen Ves- terbrogade, (the office of the international sleeping-car company). Aarhus—Copenhagen (K ). Daily service in both direc­ tions, except on Sundays. (The ticket-office at K sells through tickets to a number of ra il­ way stations in J u tla n d ). Aalborg—Copenhagen (K ). Daily service in the season in both directions, except on Sundays. O rdinary times a week. Renders—Copenhagen (Iv). 2 times a week. Ilorsens—Copenhagen (K.) 2 times a week.

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