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Mei^emfori OrfogsvacHi ~ “ plods W CHRIST/ANSHAM FVsvfcsten


Map of situation or y>tlic Bridges « (Broerne), a name derived from the ol­ den times, when bridges led across the moats outside the walls to the new suburbs, East, North and West — the 0sterbro, Norrebro and Ve- sterbro. 4: The incorporated districts in the periphery of the city, a) the Bronshoj di­ strict and b) the Valhy di­ strict. 5: 8 undhyerne on the Amager-side. The government: The city council, the »Magistraten«, consists of a Lord-Mayor, 5 Mayors and Aldermen. The

o f C openhagen. Town—council has 55 mem­ bers. The magistracy is decided into 5 departments, each pre­ sided by a mayor and an alderman. Under the 1st de­ partm ent ranges the police, church-and school depart­ ments, legacies, charitable in ­ stitutions, etc., under 2 d de­ partm ent the finances, 3d de­ partm ent the provisions for the poor, 4th departm ent streets, roads, hygiene and firedepartment and under the 5th departm ent the lighting of the streets, the waterworks and the tramways.


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